
Showing 1-5 of 5 results


Small Business Resources for COVID-19: Loans, Grants, and Credits

Many American businesses have been forced to close or drastically cut back operations due to an unprecedented pandemic affecting the entire globe. Thankfully, the government, communities, and even private business have stepped up.

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James Costello

James Costello

Bringing an Outsourced Finance Team In-house: A Case Study

LendEDU, a Y Combinator-backed startup, spent more than $50,000 on its outsourced finance department to create professional monthly financial statements. There was just one problem—they couldn’t trust the numbers.

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James Hamory

James Hamory

How to Build a Budget That Lasts the Full Year

Budgeting can be a drawn-out process, yet oftentimes once the year starts and results diverge, they become forgotten. Instead of budgeting just with qualitative methods, managers should combine them with quantitative tools. Comparing regressed historic trends with future expectations can be more accurate and ultimately ensure the budget survives the year.

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Erik Warren

Erik Warren

Justifying Investments With the Capital Budgeting Process

For a business manager, choosing what to invest in should not be an exercise of instinct. With capital budgeting methods, managers can appraise various projects simultaneously, with the end result indicating which one will have the highest impact on company value.

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David Bradshaw

David Bradshaw

The Financial Implications of Technical Debt

Technical debt, which relates to suboptimal technology infrastructure in an organization, can actually be a huge financial burden on a business. However, like traditional financial debt, there are steps and processes that can be taken to manage and mitigate the risk. In this article, we elaborate on how CFOs can tackle their technical debt burden.

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Erik Frederick

Erik Frederick

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